Τετάρτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009

Cup Tasting

Cup Tasting

Discover the secrets of espresso tasting

Cup TastingCup Tasting

Time: 1 day (from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with 1 hour lunch break).
Place: Planet Coffee.
Aimed at: Planet Coffee’s distributors, baristas and public houses managers.
Didactic activities: lessons and practical exercises in tastings room.
Teaching aids: coffee station, espresso machine, grinder-dosers, blender, various accessories, green and roasted coffee samples, coffee blends, videos, handouts, tasting and assessment forms, IBEA manual.


Theoretical part

Sensorial analysis: visual, olfactory, taste and tactile sensations.
Preparation methods: comparison between different preparation methods around the world.
Coffee features: bean sorts and their composition, caffeine and impact on health.
Brazilian tasting method: international system for the evaluation of a coffee lot.
Espresso diagnosis: perfect espresso and defects deriving from both green and roasted coffee processing methods and from an incorrect extraction.
Espresso coffee tasting: espresso tasting method evaluation criteria.

Pratical part

Tastings: comparison arabica/robusta, single-origins and different sorts of coffee blends and roasting degree. Tastings of different types of coffee prepared according various methods.

Providing basic knowledge and techniques of espresso tasting.
Spreading the culture of high quality espresso.
Improving experience and knowledge of the participants.
Promoting training and refresher courses, in order to improve the quality of both products and services offered.

The course will end with a final test in order to obtain the IBEA diploma, certifying attendance to the course.

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